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New Apex Legends Season 5 Teaser Hints At Changes To World’s Edge

The winds of change are due to sweep over Apex Legends shortly, it would seem. Assuming it doesn't stray from the path, Respawn is due to deliver the battle royale's next major update sometime in May, likely in the form of Season 5. What exactly the refresh will entail this time around is anyone's guess, of course, though the developer is has decided to give fans some cryptic pointers in the run-up to launch. Following on from the discovery of a mysterious datapad last week hinting at the involvement of one Archaeological Research Division (or ARES, for short) in Season 4's successor, the plot has now thickened further, thanks to the emergence of a second Easter egg.

Apex Legends

The winds of change are due to sweep over Apex Legends shortly, it would seem.

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Assuming it doesn’t stray from the path, Respawn is due to deliver the battle royale’s next major update sometime in May, likely in the form of Season 5. What exactly the refresh will entail this time around is anyone’s guess, of course, though the developer has decided to give fans some cryptic pointers in the run-up to launch. Following on from the discovery of a mysterious datapad last week hinting at the involvement of one Archaeological Research Division (or ARES, for short) in Season 4’s successor, the plot has now thickened further, thanks to the emergence of a second Easter egg.

As detailed by prominent data miner iLootGames, a device uncovered in the Sorting Factory point of interest in World’s Edge displays a strange message when examined. It reads: “Electrical Device? Check with Jaime. More tunnels… Check West half of island.”

What should the correspondence be taken to mean, you ask? We’re not entirely sure, though it’s worth noting that a small image displayed on the datapad (pictured above) shows what could be some sort of extension to the existing playspace in World’s Edge. That would certainly explain the message’s specific mention of an as-yet nonexistent underground tunnel network.

As for the significance of Jaime, Respawn could simply have picked a name out of the hat, so to speak, for the message’s sender, but we’ll just have to wait and see. Given what we’ve already learned of a certain individual hellbent on revenge for her father’s death at the hands of Revenant, it’s unlikely that Jaime will be the new Legend arriving alongside Season 5.

Then again, if faux Season 4 character Forge has taught us anything, it’s to always remain skeptical of any information pertaining to the future of Apex Legends until it’s made official. Watch this space.