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New Trailer For The Amazing Spider-Man

After a successful round of preview screenings for The Amazing Spider-Man, Sony has given us a new trailer for the film and boy is it exciting!

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After a successful round of preview screenings for The Amazing Spider-Man, Sony has given us a new trailer for the film and boy is it exciting!

Earlier today, Sony screened a sizzle reel and trailer for select audiences around the world. While the sizzle reel likely won’t appear online, we now have the trailer that was shown earlier today.

What trailer number two shows us is a teenage Peter Parker searching for answers regarding his father’s past projects. We’re also treated to major plot points, which lead to the creation of The Lizard and Spider-Man’s attempt to stop his devious ways.

Of course, I’d be remiss without mentioning its focus on the fledgling relationship between Gwen Stacy and the web-crawling high school student, as well as her father’s disdain for his superhero alter ego.

Overall, it looks to be taking a darker route than the previous Spidy films, which is a welcome change. I also see the potential for the 3D to be really exciting, based on some of the shots we see here. Then of course there’s the whole mystery element, with Peter trying to discover secrets about his father, which he may or may not want to know.

The whole thing comes together really well and I think the trailer is a winner for Sony. It’s both intriguing and exciting and has sufficiently whet our appetites.

Check it out below and let us know what you think.

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