Hajime no Ippo, also known as Fighting Spirit, is a classic Japanese anime series that has garnered a significant following since its debut. Based on the manga of the same name by George Morikawa, the series follows the journey of Ippo Makunochi, a high school student who discovers a passion for boxing. The first season, which aired in 2000, quickly became a hit, leading to a strong fanbase eager for more content. The question that often arises among English-speaking fans is whether there is an English dub for Hajime no Ippo season 2. Here’s what we know.
Hajime no Ippo’s progress
The original Hajime no Ippo anime series, produced by Madhouse, aired from October 2000 to March 2002, covering the initial story arcs of Ippo’s boxing career. This season was licensed for an English dub by Geneon Entertainment, which helped introduce the series to a broader audience outside of Japan. The dub was well-received and was praised for its faithful adaptation and strong voice acting. Following the success of the first season, the series continued with several sequel installments, including Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger (season 2) and Hajime no Ippo: Rising (season 3). These seasons further explore Ippo’s growth as a boxer, as well as his matches and personal life.
Is there a Hajime no Ippo season 2 English dub?
Despite the popularity of the series, the English dubbing journey for Hajime no Ippo has been inconsistent. While the first season received a complete English dub, the subsequent seasons have not been as fortunate. Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger, which aired from January to June 2009, has not received an official English dub even over a decade later.
This has been a source of frustration for many fans who prefer watching anime in English, or who enjoyed the original dub’s voice cast. It’s uncertain what the cause is, but there are a few reasons why season 2 might not have received an English dub. There could’ve been licensing issues involved; securing licenses for anime can be complicated and expensive. If a series is not deemed commercially viable, a distributor may opt not to pursue a license. Also, while Hajime no Ippo has a dedicated fanbase, it may not have been large enough to justify the costs associated with dubbing subsequent seasons.
Alternatives for fans
For those disappointed by the lack of an English dub for season 2, there are still ways to enjoy Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger. The series is available with English subtitles, which, while not the same as a dub, still allows fans to follow the story and enjoy the high-quality animation and intense boxing matches. Platforms like Crunchyroll and other anime streaming services have these seasons available for viewing. Fans can also continue to support the series by reading the manga.