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Who is Mikoto Uchiha, Sasuke’s mom in the ‘Naruto’ franchise?

An unfortunate, yet pivotal loss in the Uchiha Clan massacre.

Mikoto Uchiha from the anime ‘Naruto Shippuden’ holding baby Sasuke.
Image via Studio Pierrot

Naruto has some of the most iconic characters in anime. The popular series features a diverse cast of main and supporting characters, who are some of the shonen genre’s most complex and interesting. Each character has their own unique abilities, personalities, and backstories, and throughout the series, Masashi Kishimoto, the beloved managaka, takes care to dedicate multiple episodes, and sometimes even entire story arcs, to character development. These episodes and storylines are not just centered around the main cast, but also to some of the supporting cast, and in rare occasions, special characters. 

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In a series like Naruto that spans several generations, and armed with a rich story that regularly switches between the past and present, it is only natural to have a large number of characters. It is impossible, however, to cover the story arc of each character in depth, so, inevitably, there are specific characters who get a large chunk of screen time and extensive character development, owing to their relevance to the overall story being told. 

On the flip side, some characters who are less relevant to the story have the inevitable fate of being quite obscure, because their contributions, although sometimes important, are minimal in the grand scheme of things. Their appearance on screen is usually short-lived, spanning anywhere between one, or a few episodes. Some of such characters, like Shisui Uchiha, ironically end up being quite popular, managing to become fan favorites despite their short appearances, but one of the least popular of them all in the Naruto anime, is Mikoto Uchiha.


Mikoto was a member of the prestigious Uchiha Clan of the Hidden Leaf Village, and although she had a minor role in the series, appearing only briefly, her character played a pivotal role that is fundamental to the story. She was the mother of two of the Uchiha clan’s most iconic members- the brothers Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha. Without Sasuke and Itachi, the narrative of Naruto would change drastically, so it is clear to see how relevant to the story Mikoto was, especially in the grand scheme of things.

Not much is known about Mikoto Uchiha besides the fact that she is Sasuke and Itachi’s mother, but there are a few relevant pieces of information that Kishimoto lets us in on about the character. For example, she was born into the Hidden Leaf Village’s Uchiha Clan. She grew up to become a powerful kunoichi, achieving Jonin status before marrying and settling down with Fugaku Uchiha. Although her powers and abilities are never shown, she is believed to be a powerful ninja, proficient at using her Sharingan. She was also shown to be good friends with Kushina Uzumaki, the mother of Naruto. Their friendship, shown through flashbacks, indicated a bond that possibly existed since childhood.

Appearance and Personality

The members of ‘Naruto’ characters Sasuke and Itachi’s nuclear family in a portrait.
Image via Studio Pierrot

Mikoto Uchiha was a woman of striking beauty. She had long, flowing, black hair usually tied with a red ribbon in a loose ponytail. Typical of the Uchiha Clan, she had black eyes when her Sharingan was not activated, and her attire consists of a red high-collared shirt, paired with a long, white skirt. She was shown to have a gentle and calm demeanor, but could be strict as well if the situation required it. She was a kind woman, a loyal wife, and a loving mother who cared deeply for her sons, and maintained good relationships with them. Her appearances in the series were limited to flashbacks, and as such, she does not have a lot of screen-time. Nonetheless, her character serves as a key element in the broader narrative.

Mikoto’s Death


Mikoto’s demise came at the hands of her firstborn son, Itachi. When the Uchiha Clan faced internal conflict and tension with the village leadership, some members of the clan planned a coup in a bid to overthrow the village leadership. Mikoto, along with some other clan members, was unaware of these plans. However, she was not spared when measures were taken to mitigate the tension and prevent a full-scale civil war. The plan was orchestrated by Itachi Uchiha, and it involved the massacre of the entire Uchiha Clan, his parents included. Itachi, betraying his clan, carried it out, sparing only his younger brother, Sasuke. The Uchiha massacre incident is one of the pivotal points in the anime, and set a significant chain of events in motion.