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The 7 strongest high lords in ‘ACOTAR,’ ranked 

Power-scaling and 'ACOTAR' go together surprisingly well.

'A Court of Thorns and Roses'
'A Court of Thorns and Roses' art by Charlie Bowater

Sarah J. Maas’ high-fantasy book series A Court of Thorns and Roses is a hit on BookTok, but is becoming better known by for its steamy scenes than its plot. Yes, there’s plenty of “spice” if you’re into that, but let’s not discount the great world and characters Maas has built. 

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Not every book in the ACOTAR series is equal in quality, but the world-building and characters remain just as interesting throughout. Take the Faerie realm Prythian for example: directly north of the Mortal Lands Feyre once called home, Prythian is separated into seven distinct courts. There are four seasonal courts (Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring) and three solar courts (Day, Night, and Dawn). Each has its own rich history, culture, complex political climates, and of course, High Lord. 

The High Lord (and High Lady, in the Night Court) is the ruler of their respective court and is typically the most powerful High Fae in the region. Like a traditional monarchy, the position is passed down through the High Lord’s male bloodline but the first-born son won’t necessarily inherit the title, but the strongest. Naturally, this leads to a lot of competition and back-stabbing among the High Lord’s sons as they try to prove their worth — or eliminate the others. 

The current High Lords are a tough bunch but that doesn’t mean they’re evenly matched. Even out of the most powerful High Fae, one High Lord reigns supreme as the strongest. Here are all 7 high lords, ranked by strength. 

7. Tarquin

Tarquin is the High Lord of the Summer Court and the youngest of the current High Lords. He’s not weak by any means but his youth does mean he’s a little less experienced than the others, especially as he became High Lord while living Under the Mountain. Like the rest of the High Fae, his powers were limited while Amarantha was in control. Tarquin only gained his full abilities since Feyre defeated Amarantha, which is probably why Hybern invaded the Summer Court relatively easily. Give him a few decades and Tarquin will be up there with the best of them.

6. Kalias

We don’t know a lot about Kalias, the High Lord of the Winter Court. He has the ability to create and manipulate ice, a power he’s given to Feyre. He helped protect his court during the war, so we do know he can hold his own in a fight. With so little to go off on, he’s not an easy one to rank. 

5. Thesan

Thesan is the High Lord of the Dawn Court and has the ability to heal others. It might not be very flashy, but healing is no joke; ask any Dungeons & Dragons players without a cleric in their campaign. 

4. Beron

As much as we hate him, Beron, the High Lord of the Autumn Court, is likely a very powerful High Lord. He’s long-lived despite fathering several sons who’d love to usurp his throne and he’s made enemies in basically every court; he has to have a lot of power to back up all that audacity.

3. Helion

Helion, the High Lord of the Day Court, is definitely one of the strongest High Lords in ACOTAR. His power is a healing light that can also break through enchantments and magic wards. Having both offensive and defensive power gives him an edge over his fellow High Lords. 

We also know his beast form is described as the light version of Rhysand’s so it’s got to be incredibly strong. If all that wasn’t enough, the Day Court is also home to thousands of libraries documenting Prythian knowledge for centuries. This dude knows things.

2. Tamlin 

I know, I know; we hate Tamlin. That doesn’t mean the High Lord of the Spring Court isn’t super powerful. He could even rival the top spot if he had some discipline and truly worked to understand his powers. For now, just his raw strength alone has him coming in at number two on this list. 

Rhysand once said a fight between him and Tamlin would prove particularly destructive, and I believe him. Tamlin might be a mess but a weakling, he isn’t.

1. Rhysand

Was there any doubt? Rhysand, the High Lord of the Night Court, is frequently described as the most powerful High Lord in all of history, which is saying something. He rules over not one but two courts and he’s half-High Fae and half-Ilyrian, a Fae race known for their strength. Rhysand’s almost comically powerful (he can reduce enemies into a cloud of bloody mist by just looking at them) and he’s a trained warrior.

He’s on another level compared to the other High Lords but we think Feyre could compete for the title if we extend the list to High Ladies…