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‘A socially inept and empty instrument’: Russell Brand’s rip-roaring ramble exposes how little he knows about melatonin, X chromosomes, and words

Gone are the days when he used to be funny.

Russell Brand
Photo by MelMedia/Getty Images

It’s strange to think back to just a few years ago when people actually liked Russell Brand. Before all the accusations made against him and before he decided to become an alt-right grifter, he was actually pretty tolerable.

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Of course, today, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Brand has fallen, and he’s fallen hard. The comedian turned his back on the mainstream many years ago and has more recently been known for conspiracy theory, anti-establishment, and anti-corporatist content on YouTube and Rumble. It’s safe to say many of us wrote him off then, but nobody could have known the lengths Brand would go to in order to stay relevant.

He went from endorsing the U.K.’s Labour Party and bashing Conservatives, to appearing on alt-right podcasts with the likes of Jordan B. Peterson while spouting sexist, racist, and bigoted rhetoric. And now he’s sunk even lower, writing an almost 3,000-word rant that starts by condemning Kamala Harris and tearing into the Democrats before going on to describe his pleasant experiences at the RNC.

It shouldn’t really need spelling out, but the reason Brand finds the Republicans he met to be pleasant people might be because he is one of them. He’s become a devout Christian, he’s constantly bashing the liberal left and the media, and to top it all off, he’s an old white privileged male. The only thing he’s got going against him is he’s not an American.

The rant is complete nonsense

I’m going to be honest, it’s a pretty difficult read, and I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t sit there and read through it all. It’s not just because it’s unnecessarily long and drawn out, but also because of the choice of words employed by the former comedian. The paragraph on Kamala alone requires a deep analysis and a dictionary close by to decipher what he’s even trying to say.

Of course, when you do examine it a little closer it becomes apparent that Brand is just throwing big words into his sentences to make himself sound smarter than he is. He used to be a man who spoke for regular people, but now he seems hellbent on appearing as far away from regular people as possible. He’s not fooling anyone.

Case in point, he mentions “melatonin” when referring to Kamala Harris’ skin color. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates the sleep cycle. I think he meant melanin.

Yeah — people aren’t buying what Brand is selling. Some called him out for his obvious attempt at trying to sound educated, while others just flat-out called him obnoxious ever since he kicked his drug habit.

It’s safe to say the U.K. doesn’t want him back and the people of the U.S. seem sick and tired of him, too.

If Russell Brand had any sense he would delete the post. His use of big words only makes him sound stupid. His superfluous tangents only make him sound unhinged. His deluded belief that he has somehow zeroed in on the crux of humanity’s salvation only highlights how lost he actually sounds.

This is the same man who, in the post, called Marjorie Taylor Greene an “effulgent soul,” a “matriarchal force,” and a feminist icon.” The same man who — in the same post — called Eric Trump “an absolute joy.” Sorry, Russel, if we didn’t already lose you at “melatonin,” we lost you there.