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Britney Spears admits feeling like the ‘news bullies me’ after fake reports of her ex-husband claiming she is on meth

Britney Spears isn't wrong and there is more than enough proof to back up her claim.

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Photo by Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic

Millions upon millions of fans are cheering Britney Spears on and loving everything she does, but for some reason, certain news outlets nag at her every move and often get it wrong on purpose. Recently, Kevin Federline had to come to her defense after a story was published saying he feared she was using meth.

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The Sun and Daily Mail both published similar stories that appeared to have quoted Kevin as saying, “I fear she’s on meth — I’ve been praying someone would make it public and that she wakes up.” The Sun went on to add, “It’s terrifying. She is the mother of my boys.”

Meth? Seriously? Is that how low these news organizations want to go? We’ll credit TMZ for coming out on Britney’s behalf and reporting that the story is nonsense. Federline talked to TMZ and had a few choice words to say about Daphne Barak, the journalist, and Erbil Gunasti, the television producer, both responsible for this story.

“It saddens our family that Daphne Barak and Erbil Gunasti have decided to fabricate lies and publish the heart ache our family has endured, along with the trauma of our minor children in the Daily Mail and The Sun. We did allow Daphne & Bill into our home because we trusted them, but that trust was lost and we severed ties back in March for many reasons we choose not to go into here.”

Writing fake news for ratings is about as low as journalism can go. Britney Spear’s ex-husband called them out on that as well because if they are ever to be taken seriously as journalists and documentarians, they must ensure they get the story right and stop intentionally publishing lies.

“It is very distressing that she continues to harass our family when we have repeatedly asked her to leave us alone.  As was previously published, our family did speak with Ms. Barak and Mr. Gunasti a few times, and this was done in a respectful way with love & compassion for Britney and the Spears family. Her lies and attempts to exploit minors is click bait and another repulsive example of where, unfortunately, certain journalism has sunk today.”

Of course, Britney has seen the story and has no idea where it would have come from. It is sad to wake up one day to find out such false things are being said on a colossal scale.


Britney’s attorney, Mathew Rosengart, has stepped in to add some insight, which might mean a lawsuit will follow. Nothing is certain yet, but his statement could be taken as a sign that something is on the horizon and that the journalist and TV producer might have to face the consequences of their actions.

“This writer also repeatedly sought to contact Britney under false pretenses, using her children as bait, which is outrageous. This was poor and shoddy ‘journalism’ even in today’s era of clickbait journalism.”

TMZ published a false report about Britney recently, which WGTC called them out on. It’s good to see that they are standing on the right side of this story and righting their past wrongs.