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Courtney Love risked her career to warn actresses about Harvey Weinstein 13 years before his arrest

She warned us all.

Courtney Love

Harvey Weinstein is synonymized with sexual brutality by people of power. Today, the name is not only a terrifying reminder of legions of allegations against him, but also the prolonged reticence by the industry’s renowned names on the subject when the producer was at the height of his power.

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Long before the accusations became public, Courtney Love warned the young women of Hollywood in a 2005 video to steer clear of socializing with Weinstein. “If Harvey Weinstein invites you to a private party in the Four Seasons. Don’t go,” were Love’s exact words, which should have been heeded, and probably could have been if only she had not been immediately shunned by the media outlets

The piece of news is extremely relevant now, as it allows millions of people to look back and reflect on the times when they were kept in the dark and fed with ignorance about Weinstein’s predatory behavior behind the scenes. Not to mention, his launching of many talented faces in the industry which put him in so many good graces.

Love’s comments also hint at the possibility that his misdeeds could have been popular knowledge amongst industry cohorts, and not a secret as many would like to believe. Nevertheless, with the rising awareness and increasing attention towards sexual abuse issues following Weinstein’s arrest, we hope that things will be better now, and more attention paid to women’s safety.