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‘Describe Vivek Ramaswamy in one word,’ a content creator requested, and the most common answer rose like swamp fog

Call him Vivek Ramasmarmy.

Vivek Ramaswamy
Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

There is almost no one left on the right side of the political aisle with a single redeeming quality, but there’s always worse where that came from.

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Sure, we get sick of hearing Marjorie Taylor Greene fire off her mouth cannon on a daily basis, but in the end the Georgia Congresswoman poses far less of a threat than many of her republican peers. Peers like Vivek Ramaswamy, the bigoted, slimy VP contender who’s rhetoric and brazen talking style mimic Donald Trump at every turn.

He’s not even a politician yet, but all the worst attributes of the career path were baked into Ramaswamy before he ever stepped into the political ring. Now that he’s tried his hand at the new career path — and found a ready and willing audience among the MAGAs — Ramaswamy has his sights set on a high-profile political career. He’s determined to secure a position in government, but — while he still has plenty of support among the drooling masses of red hat reprobates — it seems the bulk of the nation has more than moved on from Ramaswamy’s toxic political style.

Clear evidence of his current position in public opinion is displayed over on X, where content creator Angela Belcamino posed a simple question that earned a scathing response. Belcamino simply posted a photo of Ramaswamy alongside a caption asking people to “describe Vivek Ramaswamy in one word,” and the internet delivered as only the internet can.

One descriptive word was an easy favorite among responders, but we’ll get to that in a minute. First let’s review the competition. There are some stellar selections mixed into nearly 2,000 responses to the post, including obvious options like “opportunist” and the classic “idiot,” but ranging all the way to more unique descriptors like “scammer,” “fake,” and “

Among the most creatively on-point is the perfectly accurate “mosquito,” which gorgeously describes the blood-sucking gnat, and the timeless “sleezeball,” which suits Ramaswamy like a MAGA-branded glove.

Commenters clearly delighted in describing the “fraud” of an entrepreneur, blasting him as everything from an “infantile” “conman” to a “perfidious” “deranged” “motormouth,” who was “bought” and paid for a long time ago.

Easily the most common response pinned Ramaswamy for the “smarmy” little worm he is. Numerous people sprinted to the comment section to share the identical takeaway, officially earning the would-be politician a surprisingly fitting new nickname in the breezily on-point Ramasmarmy.