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Donald Trump announces his 2024 campaign to return as President

The former president made the announcement from Mar-A-Lago on Tuesday night.

Donald Trump announces 2024 election bid
Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Former president Donald Trump has announced he will indeed run for office yet again in the 2024 presidential race.

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Trump held a press conference at his Mar-a-Lago residency with several American flags draped in the background, with the man widely believed to have incited an insurrection announcing his hopes of returning to office. The same man who consistently badmouthed democracy and attempted to undermine it consistently has no qualms returning to the system, despite being impeached twice.

In typical Trump fashion, it opened fire on his critics and the current sitting government. He declared Pelosi as “fired”, and took aim at Biden’s very minor mishaps in comparison to his attacks on democracy.

“Nancy Pelosi has been fired. She’s gone […] This was not the end, this was the beginning in our fight to rescue the American dream. There’s two words Joe Biden. ‘American dream’. In order to make America great and glorious again, I am tonight announcing my candidicy for President of the United States.”

Trump is attempting to become just the second ever man to have two non-consecutive terms as the President. Given how much Trump had been speaking during the midterm elections, and his inability to stay quiet, it’s hardly surprising news. Considering he lost both the popular vote and the election itself in 2020, consistently claiming election fraud, it’s hard to understand why he’d want to re-enter the race.

But of course, we all know why. Not too deep down, Trump is an aspiring autocrat who, ever since debuting his campaign for presidency in 2015, has cared little for what people want, nor what is good or right. Trump will almost inevitably go up against Joe Biden, but whether or not Trump gets picked for the Republican platform feels surprisingly uncertain.