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Donald Trump wants Congress to investigate someone other than him on the day of his potential arrest. Now why could that be?

Wait, is he blaming someone else? Shocking.

Scott Olson/Getty Images

Today was the day that Donald Trump said he would be arrested, and while that hasn’t happened, he’s still trying his best to control the narrative, this time by using his tried-and-true tactic of “blame the other person for something to get the heat off yourself.” That person? Shockingly, it’s the person prosecuting him: New York State Attorney General Letitia James.

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The former president took to his own social media platform Truth Social to whine and complain about his upcoming indictment for allegedly paying off a porn star named Stormy Daniels so she wouldn’t tell anyone they had an affair. He also called for protests, which were not well attended at all.

Today he said that congress should “should look at the Corrupt Attorney General of New York State, Letitia James, who got elected solely on a “I WILL GET TRUMP” platform, without knowing anything about me.”

Yes, the Attorney General of New York, where you lived for most of your life, knows nothing about you. Even though you were the President of the United States. He then calls the judge on the case “a political hack” saying the case should “be in the Commercial Division.”

I guess he’s saying they have a case but it’s in the wrong division? Does this man think before he writes these things? I don’t think he does. He also wrote a second part to his whiny message.

“The Chief Judge of New York State should remove this ridiculous case to the Commercial Division, where it belongs. Legal professionals are asking why this hasn’t happened long ago? It is DISGRACEFUL!” We wonder who these “legal professionals” are. Are they the five to seven people who showed up to “protest” the indictment? Isn’t it more disgraceful that no one really seems to be on Trump’s side, except for on Twitter? Sad.