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Dr. Oz gives a terrifying take on abortion while on the Republican campaign trail

Roe v Wade has naturally been a topic of discussion over the course of the midterms, and Dr Oz had a pretty offputting take.

Dr Oz offers an Iffy Take on Abortion
Credit: NewsNation

As the midterm elections draw near, John Fetterman and Dr. Mehmet Oz faced off on NewsNation for their one and only pre-election debate. 

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With the overturning of Roe v. Wade earlier this year, naturally the topic of abortion became a point of discussion between the TV personality and Pennsylvania’s lieutenant governor. Dr. Oz had a pretty bemusing take on who should have a say in a woman’s abortion rights:

Oz states; “I want women, doctors, local political leaders, letting the democracy that’s always allowed our nation to thrive to put the best ideas forward so states can decide for themselves.”

He was kind of, sort of, but not really on the right track with the statement – particularly when listing off the parties that should be involved in conversations about women’s bodies, which apparently include local political leaders. It’s naturally sparked some ire and ridicule on social media. 

Oz’s stance on abortion over the course of the debate was generally pro-life – with a notable caveat excepting rape victims, incest and preservation of life for would-be mothers, per NewsNation.

Meanwhile Fetterman supported the codification of Roe v. Wade:

“Roe v. Wade should be the law. He celebrated when Roe v. Wade went down and my campaign would fight for Roe v Wade, and if given the opportunity to codify it into law.”

Dr. Oz has been a pretty controversial figure in the midterms, with the use of his long-term platform via television coming under scrutiny, as well as the cheap jabs made in regards to John Fetterman’s health.