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Factually accurate trolling has Stormy Daniels reflecting on setting a new benchmark for non-coital camerawork

Records are made to be broken, after all.

POMPANO BEACH, FL - MARCH 09: The actress Stephanie Clifford, who uses the stage name Stormy Daniels, performs at the Solid Gold Fort Lauderdale strip club on March 9, 2018 in Pompano Beach, Florida. Stephanie Clifford who claims to have had an affair with President Trump has filed a suit against him in an attempt to nullify a nondisclosure deal with Trump attorney Michael Cohen days before Trump's 2016 presidential victory.
Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images

The most questionable method of trolling Stormy Daniels has always been the attempts to weaponize her porn career, which isn’t something she’s exactly ashamed or embarrassed about.

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After all, it doesn’t take an internet genius more than a few seconds to stumble upon her extensive back catalogue of credits, and the fact she’s been inducted into two separate Hall of Fames for the adult entertainment industry is a pretty good signifier that she wasn’t too shabby at the profession.

And yet, Donald Trump-supporting keyboard warriors continue using the fact she made a living out of having sex on camera as a means to try and denigrate not just Daniels, but the profession as a whole. However, nobody accounted for factual accuracy to uncover an important tidbit of information, not least of all because it’s hardly what the MAGA-loving masses are renowned for.

Having recently sat down for an extensive interview with Piers Morgan, Daniels wholeheartedly endorsed the sentiment that it was in fact the longest she’d ever spent under the bright lights without having sex, destroying the troll’s backhanded recognition of her accomplishment in the process.

It obviously wasn’t the poster’s intention to get a hearty seal of approval from Daniels, but it just goes to show that the most well-known porn star on the planet – at the moment, at least – is self-aware enough to know that the after effects of lighting the touchpaper that eventually snowballed into a current or former president being hit with criminal charges for the very first time can still unearth new personal milestones.