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George Takei calls a spade a spade and underlines exactly why the GOP is headed for a one-way road to failure

This tweet sparked a fire that is still raging strong on the social media network.

George Takei
Photo by Neil Mockford/GC Images

George Takei has millions of followers on Twitter and is generally liked by the majority of the population. However, one of his most recent tweets has people coming out of the woodwork to comment because it’s so explosive.

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Of course, Takei is a Democrat and that’s easy to figure out scrolling through his political posts, which he tends to do a lot. So, an anti-Republican post was guaranteed to stir up controversy and keep his account active for a while. What it does is categorize the Republicans into little boxes that they really don’t appreciate, and some of their points are valid while others need a mirror held up to them so they can see themselves for who they actually are.

If the anti-abortion, pro-gun, anti-vaccine, pro-book banning, anti-trans, pro-Russia shoe fits, wear it. Of course, that’s what some Republicans are taking issue with while there are plenty of Democrats to come to Takei’s rescue – as if he needs it.

Of course, it didn’t take long for the low blows to start as some anti-fans don’t seem to think that Takei has values.

For everyone who’s there to tear the Star Trek star down, there is one to back him up.

While there are Republicans who are pro-Russia, the Republican Accountability Project reports, “Only 5 percent of Republicans support Russia over Ukraine, but the MAGA wing of the GOP has continually sided with Putin and against Ukraine.” Those are the extremists in the Republican party that the right has to put up with.

The perspective of these two completely opposite sides is rather interesting when looked at from a political science standpoint. While Democrats see it this way…

Republicans see it this way…

As the gap between the two political ideologies continues to widen, the parties will no longer be able to recognize themselves. George Takei is doing a great service to let them know how they look on paper and if they don’t like it, then some things need to change.