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Gwyneth Paltrow compares Brad Pitt and Ben Affleck’s sex skills

G-money spills all the goop.

Gwyneth Paltrow

All of us at some point in our life had a love/hate relationship with Gwyneth Paltrow. It is indeed true that Paltrow’s outrageous remarks, marriage with Chris Martin, and questionable pieces of advice to maintain a healthy vagina (as a Goop marketing strategy) over the years have earned her the status of one of the most controversial and hated actors in Hollywood.

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This is not to say that the Iron Man star never experienced stardom. The 50-year-old star has had a successful career and she is continuing to go hard and strong, thanks to her keen business skills and immense talent.

So, when she reappeared on screen as Pepper Potts following a brief hiatus, her professional and personal life began to attract both tabloids and popular attention. Aside from Martin (to whom she was married at the time) and her children, people started revisiting her life before that.

Very recently, Paltrow — who is currently married to Brad Falchuk — has disclosed a secret detail about her past dating life. The Shakespeare in Love star who dated some of the industry’s highest-profile names such as Brad Pitt and Ben Affleck participated in a game of “Ben or Brad” in an episode of Call Her Daddy on Wednesday where she recalled the time she spent with both of them.

While she had good things to say about both when the discussion reached the topic of romance, things got a bit more intriguing when the question steered toward her sexual experiences. Speaking to E!News on the subject, she revealed,

“That is really hard. Because Brad was like the sort of major chemistry, love-of-your-life kind of like, at the time, you know? And then like Ben was like technically excellent. I can’t believe my daughter’s listening to this… Am I blushing?”

While the comment is on its way to sparking varied reactions, one can definitely interpret her confession as candid and funny.