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Jan. 6 abettor Marjorie Taylor Greene hurls Nikki Haley back under the bus while salivating over ‘lit’ Trump rally

It's giving 'desperate.'

Marjorie Taylor Greene
Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

Years ago, the world collectively agreed that politicians attempting to be “identifiable” to a younger audience is nothing short of criminally cringe. Despite this broadly-accepted fact, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is whipping out some newly-learned language to promote an upcoming Trump rally.

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That’s after the 49-year-old Republican ghoul decided to toss former President Donald Trump’s only remaining Republican competition under the bus once again. Nikki Haley‘s been a target of MAGA Republicans for months now, given the absolute gall of daring to run against their twice-impeached first choice, so it’s no surprise that Greene decided to target her. The only surprising aspect of Greene’s tweet is that, for once, all of it is spelled correctly. And she didn’t even use a word wrong! That’s progress.

The utterly tone-deaf nature of calling Haley out for not being “Republican enough” is all the more absurd when considered alongside Greene’s un-Republican — dare I say un-American — history. Greene has accomplished essentially nothing (other than adding yet more fuel to anti-GOP sentiments) during her time in office. Even her attempts at productivity smack of self-service and pandering, and Greene can’t even pretend at aims to serve the country. She’s serving no one but herself and Donald Trump with all those brainless proposals and blatantly motivated attacks, but sure — go after Haley for being a non-Republican.

Haley is by no means my favorite candidate on the ballot, but at least she knows the definition of the word Republican. While Greene joins Donald Trump, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, and Lauren Boebert in attempting to reshape the Republican party into the Trump dictatorship, Haley is working to remind people of what the GOP used to be. She comes across as painfully average and boring when weighted against the sneering, cacophonous likes of the GOP’s chief nincompoop, but that’s exactly what the party needs. If the Republican party wants to actually remain the Republican party, it has no choice but to distance itself from Trump and his ilk.

But that’s making Haley enemies among the former President’s rabid fanbase, and it’s resulting in tweets like Greene’s, which attempt to deflect from the real cause behind Trump’s rapidly-diminishing support by targeting Haley. Greene is blasting the results of the D.C. primaries as unfair, ignoring the clear culprit behind Trump’s fading relevance, and slamming D.C. as un-Republican. Apparently “You can’t find a jury of your peers in DC if you are a Republican and Nikki Haley no longer counts!”

Greene tweeted out the brainless drivel on March 4, even as she was celebrating — in a since-deleted tweet — Trump’s impending visit to her home state. Wounding every American under the age of 45 with her use of the word “lit” — guess we’ve got to throw that one in the bin now — Greene gleefully sung Trump’s praises while discussing an upcoming appearance in Rome, Georgia. Preening about his decision to visit her state, Greene proclaimed the impending appearance as “lit,” and gushed about the massive audience size Trump can expect.

Trump’s seen dwindling audience sizes in measure with his dwindling support, which could prove Greene’s tweet wrong on two counts. Regardless of whether or not the audience size really does surpass the limitations of the venue space, however, we can rest assured that no Trump rally — and assuredly no event with Greene and Trump in attendance — will ever, in this life, be lit.