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Mark Hamill announces that he will not be voting for the Jabba the Hutt of politics this November

"I will never join you. You failed, your highness."

Mark Hamill smiling delightedly next to a Trump-themed Jabba the Hut
Photos by Michael Tullberg/Getty Images and Lucasfilm

Mark Hamill has proven yet again that he’s worthy of the mantle of Luke Skywalker by announcing, in no uncertain terms, that come November, he will not be voting for the indicted buffoon formerly masquerading as the commander-in-chief.

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From spewing one baseless conspiracy theory to the next, the Republican party is doing everything in its power to keep the sinking Donald Trump ship afloat for just a little while longer. Perhaps it’s because they know that as we inch closer to the November presidential election, its most important function is to steal attention away from all of Trump’s innumerable shortcomings — and I’m being very kind with my choice of word here — and hope that their plan to steal billions of dollars of taxpayers’ money will somehow succeed. And hey, if that doesn’t work, you could always stir up a revolt and try to steal the election; it’s not as if you wouldn’t be able to get away with it.

Well, not if the Last Jedi himself has anything to say on the matter. Ever the guardian of all that’s left of sanity and reason in this hive of scum and villainy we call social media, Hamill recently took to X (Twitter) to announce that’s voting for President Joe Biden in November.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Mark Hamill is the ultimate internet dad, whether it be calling out Trump’s latest clowning act or proving that the man behind Luke Skywalker could never stand for misogynistic hate.

And now we know that Trump stands even less of a chance of winning, because the Force is with us.