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Mark Hamill feeling the pressure after being named as Sgt. Pepper’s sole reason for staying on Twitter

Now this man is the only hope.

Mark Hamill
Photo by Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images

Right now, the Twitter social networking site is in crisis. The staff that kept it running has been whittled down to a skeleton crew, new owner Elon Musk seemingly makes odd and unusual decisions on a whim, and few have hope for its future. However, one is keeping on due to Mark Hamill and he is feeling heat.

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Screengrab via Twitter

The storied science-fiction and comic book genre actor posted the above yesterday afternoon when a fan whose account is named for The Beatles album cited him as a reason to stay on the site other companies are trying to eclipse with new platforms which coincidentally share a name with a horrifying post-apocalyptic film. In the replies, several say he needs to feel no pressure given his accomplishments, sticking around for what he has to say certainly does seem like a valid reason and one fan who previously has dabbled in the franchise where Hamill has made his name suggests a new home.

Screengrab via Twitter

Apart from the replies which feature the Rogue One: A Star Wars Story writer and countless regular folks, things are fairly similar in the quoted re-tweets as well. Here, fans are referencing Star Wars and other platforms people thought were going to eclipse Twitter but have not yet and, one says Hamill should stay on Twitter just to pester Elon Musk who has gotten into public scrapes with liberal famous folks before.

Screengrab via Twitter

Of course, there is no guarantee of what will ultimately happen. Twitter could always hang on or be acquired by someone else, Hamill could choose to exit and those who stay on just for him could always get bored of the platform and go back to living life. Whatever the case, the days go on and, those wanting to see what Hamill is up to when he is offline can find him in the recent The Machine. As well, on television he will be involved with The Fall of the House of Usher over on Netflix in the future.