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Matthew McConaughey has advice for everyone still seeking love on Valentine’s Day

Grow that garden.

Gary Miller/Getty Images

Well alright alright alright, we’re long overdue for a nice Matthew McConaughey post, so here we go. The Oscar winner and Lincoln salesman took some time out from whatever it is rich and famous people do to share some wisdom about love with the rest of us common folk.

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Whoever runs McConaughey’s twitter account shared a sweet, philosophical question for all of us: “How should we love?” It’s a good question, sure, and there are a lot of answers, but what did the Dallas Buyers Club actor share?

“Instead of chasing butterflies – plant and grow a garden that bring them to you.” Apparently he really likes the post because he also pinned it on his Instagram page.

McConaughey is of course married to Camila Alves, and has been since 2012. “We have a love that we never question,” he told People. The couple met in 2006, back when the actor said he was worried he would never find love.

He actually kind of lives this butterfly thing as a philosophy and used it with Alves.

“I mean, the clock was ticking — I was about to be 40 and my plan was to be married and have kids by that age,” McConaughey told People. “But I didn’t want to play the game of starting to feel anxious because, with too much anxiety, you can’t find a mate. And then you make a hasty decision.”

He went on to say that he stopped “hunting” and found his wife.

“I knew men who had made hasty decisions and women who had done the same thing. But at that point, I wasn’t hunting. And then this amazing woman walked across my field of vision and I thought, ‘Who is that?’ And it was Camila.”

Grow that garden everyone!