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‘Never forget you can be paid an honest wage for making love’: Nick Offerman shares his ‘greatest life advice’

Nick Offerman shared some sage advice recently in an interview on the Willoughby Hills podcast with Heath Racela.

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Actor Nick Offerman has emphasized the importance of having productive hobbies and interests beyond one’s job to help others enhance their personal growth and satisfaction in life. 

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Offerman shared this revelation recently during an interview on the Willoughby Hills podcast with Heath Racela. In the discussion earlier this week, The Last of Us star revealed that one of the ways that he keeps himself centered and not tempted to partake in destructive activities such as frequently drinking is by coming up with new ways to add to his passion for woodworking. 

The star owns a wood shop in California where he sells custom wood furniture. In the interview, Offerman discloses that he’s always “pitching” new ideas for books so that he could be productive in something he loves and spend more time in his store. 

As the conversation shifted to the “greatest life advice” he would give to others searching for productive ways to spend their time, Offerman claimed that everyone has a particular talent, still, it is up to that individual to seek out what they enjoy. While jokingly mentioning that people are getting “paid an honest wage for making love,” he said,

“My greatest life advice which we have talked about a lot is I think everyone can make something. I think everyone has an inherent talent with these prehensile, opposable thumbs we have and this incredible human ingenuity to attach our consciousness to our hands. The coordination that we possess…

Some people can play the piano. Some people become boxers, massage artists and exotic dancers. Some of us are lucky enough to possess all of those skills. Love making, never forget you can paid an honest wage for making love. But seriously I think that everyone is able to make something and I encourage people to try to figure out what that is.”

Later, Offerman stated that it is essential for many to find a productive hobby because, during times of boredom, they may look to things that could be detrimental to them, such as watching too much television and indulging in something they don’t need. The Parks & Recreation star would add that those activities won’t help bring fulfillment in one’s life. 

“Because that is what you can do and it Would make your time go by so happily and often productively rather than saying ‘I’m so bored. What should I do?’ I guess I should succumb to all these channels blurring at me… I should consume all of the cooperate materials that I see on every billboard everywhere I turn and instead dig into one’s own organic sensibilities and find out what you love to do that you don’t have to pay a bunch of money to do.”

Since then, Offerman has continued to showcase his productivity and his passions on his social media page to inspire his fans to find their own interests.