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Olivia Wilde refuses to bow down to online trolls and bullies

She's addressed Florence, Shia, the Venice premiere and more.

Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images

Olivia Wilde found herself in a social media firestorm over the weekend during the premiere of her movie Don’t Worry Darling at the Venice Film Festival. The event was subject to endless online speculation after rumors that star Florence Pugh didn’t get along with Wilde, among a number of other things. Now Wilde is firing back.

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In an interview with Vanity Fair, Wilde opened up about how she felt about all the noise surrounding the movie. Her response was forceful and full of conviction.

“No amount of internet bullying can cause me to question my belief in a movie made collectively by so many brilliant people. We worked too hard, and went through too much together, to be derailed by something that really has nothing to do with filmmaking.”

Another persistent ember in the fire was the back and forth between former cast member Shia Labeouf and his apparent firing. Wilde initially said she fired the actor, but he fired back that he quit over a lack of rehearsal time.

Now she’s clarifying her position again, saying that she was forced to protect Pugh, which of course is interesting because the two apparently do not get along. Wilde said Pugh told her Labeouf made her uncomfortable.

“My responsibility was towards her. I’m like a mother wolf. Making the call was tricky, but in a way he understood. I don’t think it would’ve been a process he enjoyed. He comes at his work with an intensity that can be combative. It wasn’t the ethos that I demand in my productions. I want him to get well and to evolve because I think it’s a great loss to the film industry when someone that talented is unable to work.”

After she previously spoke up about the issue, Labeouf leaked emails that purportedly showed that he left over rehearsal time, something that served to heat up the rumor mill trolls all over again. When asked about it, Wilde said the issue was more complicated than it seems.

“This issue is so much more nuanced than can be explained in private texts released out of context. All I’ll say is he was replaced, and there was no going forward with him. I wish him the best in his recovery.”

Interestingly, the article reveals that Labeouf may have given Wilde an ultimatum because he wasn’t getting along with Pugh. That ultimatum? Choose me or her. Wilde made her choice and seems to have let Labeouf think he was quitting.

Another point of contention from the online trolls was that Wilde hired her boyfriend Harry Styles not because of his acting ability, but because they were dating.

“It is very rare that people assume the best from women in power,” she said. “I think they don’t often give us the benefit of the doubt.”

We’ll see if all the hype was worth it when Don’t Worry Darling hits theaters on Sept. 23.