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Rampant alcoholism presented as the solution to the Brie Larson problem the MCU only has in the eyes of a small few

Good luck getting away with that in a PG-13 franchise.

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Image via Brie Larson/Twitter/X

Ignoring her status as an Academy Award winner and headliner of an origin story that hoovered up over $1.1 billion at the box office, there’s still a vocal minority of Marvel Cinematic Universe miscreants out there who remain utterly convinced Brie Larson is either not good actress, an unremarkable screen presence, an uninteresting marquee superhero, or a combination of the three.

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The trolls and haters have been denigrating Larson’s contributions to the franchise ever since she first debuted, offering that Carol Danvers is a one-note and emotionally downtrodden character that’s resolutely failed to make a mark in the same way as the vast majority of her superpowered contemporaries. There’s a solution afoot, though, and it requires nothing more than rampant alcoholism, at least that’s what was suggested on the forums of Reddit.

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Photo via Marvel Studios

Funnily enough, questioning if Kevin Feige’s staunchly family-friendly sandbox – Deadpool 3 being the exception that proves the rule – should dive into comic book canon to turn Larson’s intergalactic Avenger into the boorish drunk she once became and regularly battled with has very quickly been shot down in flames for the obvious reason that Marvel Studios simply doesn’t have the stones – or the remotest interest, for that matter – in doing it.

After all, Tony Stark’s battle with the booze served as the basis for one of his most memorable arcs, and yet it was briefly flirted with in the MCU and nothing more. As much as the naysayers would love to see Larson’s Danvers being given their definition of “development” or “advancement,” it would be safe to assume that having her wage a one-woman war against her own inner demons and penchant for the hard stuff isn’t going to be part of that particular equation.