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Rather than canceling Tennessee, Lizzo being the queen brings Drag Queens to perform along with her

There's no Tennessee Law that's going to hold Lizzo back!

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A magical thing takes place when a dinosaur or a superhero comes into an elementary school to read a children’s book to kids before they fall asleep after having lunch. However, Tennessee refers to Drag Queens doing the same thing in libraries, bookstores, and public schools as “adult cabaret” and the very awesome and powerful Lizzo had something to say about it.

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According to NBC, Tennessee has entered into law a ban on “Adult cabaret entertainment on public property or in locations where it could be viewed by a minor.” Lizzo was actually told to cancel her trips to the state because Republican Gov. Bill Lee had signed the legislation banning the “cabaret.” Instead of backing down, the queen, who should from now on be designated “Queen Lizzo,” went to Tennessee and performed at the Thompson-Boling Arena, bringing real queens along with her and bringing the house down. Mind you, these are Tennessee residents loving what they’re seeing.

Have you ever seen bigger hair in your life or more fabulous attire? They took the stage and shined.

The queens surrounding her are the greats Aquaria, Kandy Muse, Asia O’Hara, and Vanessa Vanji – along with a slew of others. In a statement according to AP – Lizza had this to say, “Their reason was valid, but why would I not come to the people who need to hear this message the most?”

Going straight to the people is always the way to handle any disagreement. All honors go to Queen Lizzo for going in with an unhesitating reaction to a potentially transphobic situation, but Tennessee seems fine with it according to Lizzo fans who were there at the concert. They screamed, they clapped, and they went nuts because the Queen has spoken, and the fans present didn’t seem to have a problem with it, while the government seems to.

There is so much misinformation about what’s going on today and it’s sickening that people don’t understand. Call it a lack of education or a lacking on social awareness, but as an example, RuPaul is a man. He’s the most famous Drag Queen of them all, but he puts on a suit and hosts Celebrity Lingo before throwing on hair and changing his whole attire to star on Drag Race. Why is that different from anyone else putting on a costume and performing?

If anyone wants to ban Drag Queens, it appears Lizzo will show up for the cause. How many other celebrities will be willing to do that?