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‘Show me the money!’: Harrison Ford’s incredible ‘Blade Runner 2049’ interview resurfaces in light of Palm d’Or honor at Cannes

Harrison Ford continues to add to his legend, and at this point, that's quite alright with me.

blade runner 2049
via Warner Bros.

Following Harrison Ford’s star-studded Palm d’Or award win at this year’s Cannes, the actor and entertainer continues to prove why he’s been Hollywood’s main man for nearly 60 years. To those unfamiliar, the award is the highest honor awarded at the French film festival, and remains one of the industry’s most coveted accolades.

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It’s no secret then why a guy like Ford finally got the gold, literally (the award is a golden palm branch), and in the wake of his recent victory, old interviews have resurfaced of the actor being as iconic as he’s ever been. More specifically, clips from his legendary, Ryan Gosling-infused Blade Runner 2049 press tour.

You might not remember these moments, but I sure do.

Here’s Harrison doing his best Cuba Gooding Jr. impression. When describing how he was brought on to Blade Runner 2049, after reading the script and being asked if he was interested, Ford didn’t mince words. Always candid, the star made it clear he wouldn’t do the film without getting a bit of cheddar for his effort — and why shouldn’t he? He’s Harrison Ford.

Not to mention the fact that the original Blade Runner is one of the greatest movies of all time. So if he wanted to make sure he get paid, then let the guy get his bag. To be frank, I’ve never seen him as happy as he appears in the above interview. He’s charming, bubbly, and about as un-grizzled as he’s ever been. Not to mention the fact that his chemistry with co-star Gosling is off the charts, which is probably why they work so well together in the film.

Meanwhile, their interviewer handles it all like a pro, sharing a bit of booze with the dynamic duo and laughing along the way. Take notes all you would-be reporters out there.

Now comes the Graham Norton interview. To be honest, this might not even be trending, but I watch it about once a month just to have a laugh – and you should too. Here we see Ford and Gosling promoting Blade Runner 2049 again, except this time Harrison can’t seem to remember Ryan’s name.

Was it a bit? Was it planned? Was it both? Who knows and who cares, much like the Palm d’Or, this thing is gold.

If you’ve made it all the way to the end of this article and wonder why the heck I’m writing about Harrison Ford in the first place, besides the fact that he’s got a new Indiana Jones movie coming out and a slew of projects in his wake, it’s because — to be quite honest — they really don’t make ’em like this anymore.