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Stephen Colbert has the perfect title for a children’s book about Donald Trump paying off a porn star

He's having a field day.

stephen colbert
CBS / YouTube

It’s a tumultuous time for America but not so for talk show hosts. Late night hosts all around the dial are having a field day with Donald Trump‘s arraignment, and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert is no different.

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Colbert has been going hard at Trump ever since the show started, but he seems to be taking a special glee in watching the proceedings happen in real time. He’s also hilariously imagined what a children’s book of the whole thing would look like.

“So it’s a sad, sad happy day for America because for the first time in our history a President has been indicted for paying off a porn star,” Colbert said on his show. “How are we going to explain that to our grandchildren?”

He then suggested a children’s book to take care of the issue: Donald and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad N.D.A. Take a look:

via Twitter

He then read a “passage” from the book. “The courthouse was stirring, a big busy throng. Awaiting the man with the mushroom-shaped dong.” Colbert then cracked up and added, “allegedly.”

Very popular independent journalist and voice of reason Ed Krassenstein made a highlight reel of Colbert’s remarks, and they are juicy.


Colbert has been one of Trump’s fiercest critics over the years, and you can tell he’s just giddy over all of this. Another pretty good stinger: “So what happens now? What does he plead? When is the trial? What if he goes to jail? He could end up the head of a violent white supremacist gang, but in prison this time.”

That would really be something.