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The latest Zack Snyder theory suggests he’s in the midst of crafting the most ambitious universe ever

Bold strategy, Snyder; let's see if it pays off.

rebel moon
via Netflix

Love him or hate him, the impact that Zack Snyder has had on the entertainment zeitgeist is nothing short of fascinating. While his most vocal fans tend to flirt with transcendental lunacy, one may have trouble faulting his desire to bring a splash of auteurish creativity to his genre work, even if the final product doesn’t always hit the mark.

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That being said, it’s probably time we stopped considering “ambitious” as a merit and instead recognized it as a neutral trait; you can have big ideas, but if you don’t have the chops to bring them to life, ambition quickly turns into your biggest hurdle.

Anyway, if this latest fan theory is true (and the legs are looking pretty solid), Snyder looks all but ready to lead by example in the ambition department.

Indeed, the apparent connections between Snyder’s Army films, his upcoming sci-fi movie Rebel Moon, and his in-production animated series Twilight of the Gods are nothing short of pronounced, and we doubt the guy who made a four-hour cut of Justice League would do something like this just for the sake of being self-referential.

Whether this apparent “true SnyderVerse” could culminate in one big crossover project is anyone’s guess, but one thing is for sure; he’s going to have a hell of time linking together a modern-day zombie apocalypse setting, a gritty space opera, and an animated, Norse mythology-inspired television series.

Can he do it? Yeah, probably. Can he do it effectively? Well, maybe he’s learned a thing or two since Army of the Dead; we’ll save the more incisive premature conclusions for when we’ve seen Rebel Moon and Twilight of the Gods.