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What happened between Henry Cavill and Tara King?

A 14-year age gap can't be that easy to deal with.

Henry Cavill Tara King
Karwai Tang/WireImage/Getty Images

Previously known for being DC’s very own personification of Superman, Henry Cavill has recently been in the public eye after being unceremoniously dropped by the comic mogul back in December. In addition to being expelled from DC, the English actor’s schedule got significantly clearer after making the bold choice to leave Netflix’s The Witcher, only to promptly have no base ground on the DC universe to go back to. Somehow, all the talk surrounding the 39-year-old actor has only dug up even more hefty moments in Cavill’s life, including his dating history, compiled of short-lived relationships.

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Cavill’s brief romances have a tendency to become public. Although the actor is known for valuing his privacy, somehow most of these flings end up making the headlines, even if they only last 10 days. While his dating repertoire is usually connected to some names in the spotlight, the actor was known for entering an unorthodox relationship with 19-year-old Tara King back in 2015. The Man of Steel actor, at the time, was 32 years old. Albeit short, their relationship was still heavily frowned upon by the media and some fans due to many deeming the age gap borderline inappropriate, but as it would appear, love knows no boundaries.

From the moment the couple announced their relationship, the ongoing gloating about their connection seemed ceaseless. It didn’t seem to matter to the actor that their age difference was the target of discussion, he continuously talked about King in interviews, showing exactly how important this relationship had become in a short period of time. As reported by Mirror UK, the actor called King his “protector,” emphasizing her role in his whirlwind of life as an actor.

“She protects me and is protective of me when I am having a hard time. She’s there when I need looking after and the world is a little too heavy. Then she will happily take that weight for me and make sure that I am OK. Tara allows me to be me and she doesn’t have a problem with that. She treats me like a normal human being.”

In 2016, the couple announced their separation, after not even a year together. While speculation that the actor had dumped King immediately arose, that appears to not have been the case. Nonetheless, many have been left wondering what truly transpired between Cavill and King, so what happened between this lovestruck duo?

Why did Henry Cavill and Tara King break up?

Speculation was high among netizens when the time came for the couple to announce their split. Some believed Cavill received too much backlash for dating a college student, while others believed there may have been some underlying issues between the two of them – derived from the actor’s explosive popularity and yearning. In reality, neither King nor Cavill ever came forward with an explanation for their separation, however, the most popular theory lies in Cavill’s busy schedule.

As many pointed out at the time, the actor’s schedule was — once upon a time — filled to the brim. With The Witcher and DC’s Superman, Cavill’s life was busier than ever. King’s own personal life must have been equally as chaotic considering she was attending Bristol University during their relationship. Their conflicting schedules were — most likely — at the root of the couple’s split, although no one knows for sure.

Despite their break-up, the couple seemed to have remained close friends, as according to Mirror UK, King even attended Cavill’s birthday celebrations that same year. The age gap wasn’t a plausible speculation for their split, as the actor even told Elle that he didn’t believe that their age difference ever took a role in their relationship. “People say age is just a number. It’s actually a real and true sign of someone’s maturity,” he said”but in this case, she’s fantastic.”

Rumors may always get out of hand at some point, but it appears that this time, everything ended on good terms for Cavill and King. Although with a rocky past of his own, this relationship appears to not take part in Cavill’s list of controversies to arise in past years, even if their age difference is such the topic of discussion as it is.

Cavill’s last season of The Witcher is expected to be released mid-summer 2023, on Netflix.