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‘I’m gonna say something you’ve never ever heard me say’: Whoopi Goldberg does the unthinkable on ‘The View’ following Donald Trump’s criminal conviction

Showing up for a Friday taping was only the first surprise.

Whoopi Goldberg next to Donald Trump
Photos by Gary Gershoff/Getty Images and Getty Images

At long last, Americans can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that their judicial system works ⏤ even if it is painfully slow.

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Donald Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts of fraud by a New York jury of his peers. The welcome news has brightened the spirits of Americans around the country, including the one-of-a-kind Whoopi Goldberg.

After more than 8 years of refusing to speak the name “Donald Trump” on The View, Whoopi has finally uttered the words during a rare Friday appearance. Goldberg came in on her day off to experience the “very unique moment in history” and shocked everyone in the audience when she actually called Donald by his name.

 “I’m going to say something you’ve never ever heard me say before,” Goldberg said. “Donald John Trump is a convicted felon.”

She’s not lying ⏤ Goldberg has refused to utter the name of the former president for years, instead opting for stand-ins like “You Know Who” and “The Guy in Charge.” She explained her reasoning for this to David Axelrod in 2018. While speaking with CNN about the #MeToo movement and the global 2018 Women’s March, she told Axelrod that she “couldn’t say his name.” When pressed, she admitted that “using his name in conjunction with that word” (“that word” being “president”) honored the New York mogul.

“But you recognize that he is the president?” David Axelrod pressed. “You know,” Goldberg fumbled, “He’s there.” She elaborated, saying she couldn’t “wrap [her] mind around this and that people felt the need to put this in [the Oval Office].” Her biggest reason behind her Trump denial was that “there seems to be no ethics committee for him.” Hence the gentle allusion to Voldemort.

Well, the verdict is in, and the committee is just as over Trump’s obvious criminal intentions as Whoopi was back in 2018. As she put it when she signed off of the May 31 show, “So, to recap, guilty, guilty, guilty.” And to hammer the point home, she threw “guilty” out 34 times total, one for each verdict. Talk about something she’s never done before ⏤ and something she’ll hopefully never have to do again.