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WWE superstar Cody Rhodes wants to be cast in ‘Metal Gear Solid’

He would be the perfect person to play Ocelot Revolver.

Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images

If you’re in the middle of the particular intersection of wrestling fan and Metal Gear Solid fan, then I have some very exciting news for you. If not, it’s actually still pretty cool. WWE superstar Cody Rhodes is into Metal Gear, and he wants to be cast in the movie that’s set to come out next year.

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Rhodes is currently doing publicity for his Peacock documentary called American Nightmare: Becoming Cody Rhodes, and he did a special Reddit AMA to let people know about it, but also to share some personal goals he has for himself and his career.

One fan asked him “Favorite game outside of the Zelda series.” For the record, this man has good taste in video games. His answer was as emphatic as his persona.

“METAL GEAR SOLID – MY AGENT AND MANAGER SLACKING BIG TIME IN GETTING ME IN THAT DANG FILM HA.” LET’S GO! That’s the only response he did in all caps and he’s not a boomer, so you know he’s serious about this.

Dear Rhodes agent, let’s make this happen. Speaking of the movie, it’s been in development quite a long time. Obviously the pandemic had something to do with that, but hopefully things will come together soon enough.

What we do know is that the movie’s being directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts (Kong: Skull Island, The Kings of Summer). The titular character, Solid Snake, is being played by Oscar Isaac (Moon Knight, Dune).

All we know about plot is that Snake is sent in to retrieve a tank stolen by a terrorist group. He’ll face an elite soldier as well. Here’s some concept art.

As for who Rhodes would play, a lot of people are suggesting Revolver Ocelot, one of the central villians in the Metal Gear universe. Here’s what he looks like in the game. Well, later in the series.

This brings us to American Nightmare, Rhodes Peacock documentary. Here’s the synopsis, which will explain what this thing is about better than I can.

“Cody Rhodes grew up living in the shadow of his father, legendary performer Dusty Rhodes. This revealing documentary goes behind the scenes and explores Cody’s incredible story, featuring over 15 years of never-before-seen footage, as he strives to make a name for himself. Along the way, Rhodes encounters heartbreak, triumph and ultimately, redemption.”

Here’s the trailer for the show.

The movie is a two hour documentary released on July 31. It’s currently streaming on Peacock.