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The 10 Unlikeliest Characters Batman Has Teamed Up With

Comic books thrive on crossovers. In both the Marvel and DC universe, you can bet that every conceivable team-up (or punch-up) has been attempted over the years. In the latter's case, most of these involve Batman because... Well, he's Batman. Do you really need another reason?

3) Scooby-Doo

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You might not see it, but Batman and Scooby-Doo actually have a lot in common. Both are detectives who foil the evil schemes of costumed villains. Both travel around in iconic vehicles. And, you know, both of them have pointy ears. No, we’re not clutching at straws.

The Caped Crusader and the meddling mutt met in two episodes of classic cartoon The New Scooby-Doo Movies, when Batman and Robin teamed up with Mystery Inc. to defeat the Joker and Penguin (who were dressing up as a ghosts… for some reason).

Despite its goofiness, the Batman/Scooby crossover struck a chord with young fans of the 1970s, leading to the two to pair up again in more recent years. First, Batman: The Brave and the Bold perfectly spoofed the old episodes in the meta-heavy ‘Bat-Mite Presents: Batman’s Strangest Cases!’ in 2011. Two years later, DC’s Scooby-Doo Team-Up #1 comic book brought the Dark Knight together with the dog once again.

Who’d have thought these two characters would be so connected?