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8 Theories About How Watchmen Fits Into The DC Rebirth Universe

DC Comics received a lot of flak for Before Watchmen, a run of limited series books which filled in some of the blanks in the histories of those characters without the involvement of creator Alan Moore. However, the reaction to the reveal that the characters are now part of the DC Universe thanks to DC Rebirth has generated an awful lot of excitement amongst fans - and it's not hard to see why.

6) Ozymandias Is The Real Mastermind

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A mysterious figure known as “Mr. Oz” has been making his presence felt in the DC Universe for a while now. As well as imprisoning Doomsday and Tim Drake, he’s also been keeping a watchful eye on Superman. It’s no surprise then that the prevailing fan theory is that this is actually Ozymandias. He and Dr. Manhattan worked together in Watchmen to remake the world in their image, so why wouldn’t the same be the case for the DC Universe?

While fans expect Dr. Manhattan to make his presence felt in a big way, don’t be surprised if “Oz” is somehow manipulating him and all of these heroes for his own mysterious means. Still not convinced that he’s someone worth keeping an eye on? Well, bear in mind that he was first introduced by Geoff Johns, so you’d best believe the writer has something up his sleeve for him.

Of course, there’s obviously a chance that the whole “Mr. Oz” thing is misdirection, but who else he could be is literally impossible to guess at this stage.