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8 Theories About How Watchmen Fits Into The DC Rebirth Universe

DC Comics received a lot of flak for Before Watchmen, a run of limited series books which filled in some of the blanks in the histories of those characters without the involvement of creator Alan Moore. However, the reaction to the reveal that the characters are now part of the DC Universe thanks to DC Rebirth has generated an awful lot of excitement amongst fans - and it's not hard to see why.

5) Rorschach Returns

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In one of the most memorable panels in comic book history, Rorschach was obliterated by Dr. Manhattan when he threatened to expose his and Ozymandias’ actions to the world. However, his diary found its way into the hands of the media, and while we never got to see what happened next, it’s easy to imagine the world being thrown into an all-out war which may have left the Watchmen Universe completely ravaged.

Perhaps Ozymandias tracked Dr. Manhattan down during his quest to create new universes in order to convince him that they should start again, with the DC Universe possibly one of their attempts. It’s hard to say how it could happen right now, but it would be crazy not to see Rorschach show up in some form, even if he’s only referenced. That being said, it’s also entirely possible that a way will be found to resurrect the fan-favourite vigilante here, as not seeing him team-up with Batman would be downright criminal.