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8 Theories About How Watchmen Fits Into The DC Rebirth Universe

DC Comics received a lot of flak for Before Watchmen, a run of limited series books which filled in some of the blanks in the histories of those characters without the involvement of creator Alan Moore. However, the reaction to the reveal that the characters are now part of the DC Universe thanks to DC Rebirth has generated an awful lot of excitement amongst fans - and it's not hard to see why.

4) A Return To The Old DC Universe

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The DC Rebirth initiative has been a huge success and much of that comes down to the fact that the DC Universe now feels a lot more like the pre-New 52 version. It’s highly unlikely that we’ll ever see DC Comics return to that confusing and muddled continuity, but there are already signs that they’re bringing back staples of that world, including the Justice Society of America and the Legion of Superheroes.

As a result, it wouldn’t be all that shocking to see this Watchmen crossover event ultimately bring the DC Universe back to a place which will be more familiar to longtime fans, as histories are restored and characters make their return. Providing the company keeps up the same quality level of storytelling, that will be no bad thing and is likely to appeal to readers turned off by how unrecognizable the Marvel Universe has become in recent years.

After all, there aren’t many fans who seem too pleased by Captain America being evil or Thor no longer being worthy, so if DC Comics restores key relationships and characters while also serving new readers, they’ll probably be appealing to just about everyone.