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Boy (And Girl) Wonders: Batman’s 10 Greatest Sidekicks

Despite being the poster boy for lonely, brooding superheroes, Batman has one of the - if not the - biggest supporting cast of sidekicks and allies in all comic books. As The LEGO Batman Movie so insightfully pointed out, Bruce Wayne lost his biological family as a boy and so has made up his own family in adulthood.

3) Tim Drake

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While Jason Todd never lived up to Dick Grayson during his original tenure as Robin, the third Boy Wonder didn’t have any such trouble. Tim Drake immediately set himself apart from Dick by way of one area in which he surpassed his predecessor: Tim had almost as fine a mind as Batman. With incredible powers of deduction, Tim was a born detective. He even worked out Batman and Robin’s secret identities before he knew them.

Over his twenty year stretch as Robin, Drake not only served as Batman’s partner but also led the Teen Titans, much like Grayson had before him, and was a founding member of Young Justice, along with his best bud Superboy (Conner Kent). Tim didn’t even vacate the role of Robin by choice, as he was forcibly replaced with Damian when Dick Grayson took over as Batman. But, as is par for the course for former Robins, Tim later took up a different superhero mantle once he’d matured – in his case, he became Red Robin.

Thanks to his long history and appearance in the beloved The New Batman Adventures (where he was partially blended with Jason Todd),  Tim Drake is Robin for a generation of Batman fans.