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The 10 strongest DC female characters, ranked

From a magician, to the Queen of Atlantis, DC Comics offers some unique female warriors!

Zatanna Zatara from DC Comics
Image via DC Comics

From the Justice League to the Teen Titans, the Birds of Prey, and other lesser known superhero teams in the magnificent DC comic book universe, the powerful heroines and female supervillains are absolutely magnificent in terms of strength, often defeating their foes single-handedly and with ease.

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Whether they’re working side by side for some ultimate girl power, or lending helping hands to their male counterparts, DC comics boasts some exemplary female superheroes that always get the job done. 

Here is a ranking of the strongest female DC characters.

10. Mera

Mera and Aquaman from DC Comics
Image via DC Comics

Mera is underwater royalty as the crown heir of the kingdom of Xebel, and the wife of Aquaman, King of Atlantis. She possesses the superhuman strength and skills of all Atlanteans, such as being able to breathe on land and in water. In addition to this, Mera can control water and create intricate constructs out of it. She is a highly skilled warrior and tactician and has battled and won against great warriors such as Black Manta and Ocean Master.

9. Hawkgirl/Kendra Saunders

Image via DC Comics

Kendra Saunders is the latest woman to inherit the Hawkgirl mantle, passed down in her family for generations. She is a powerful member of the Justice League of America and the Birds of Prey and the lifelong partner of Hawkman. The powers of Hawkgirl include enhanced senses and reincarnation in battle. Her weapon of choice is a mace, which holds an immeasurable amount of power.

8. Poison Ivy/Pamela Isley

Poison Ivy from DC Comics
Image via DC Comics

As one of Batman’s most popular antagonists, Poison Ivy has wreaked havoc on Gotham City countless times. She was a botany student in college and was betrayed and poisoned by her teacher and lover, a mishap which made her immune to all poisons and gave her the power to control plant life. Ivy can communicate with plants, making them grow into any pattern, design, or construct that pleases her. Better yet, she is capable of bending all plant life to do her bidding. One of Ivy’s lesser-known skills includes releasing pheromones to seduce and brainwash people.

7. Vixen/Mari McCabe

Vixen from DC Comics
Image via DC Comics

Born as a poor reverend’s daughter in the Zambesi region of Africa, Mari fled her home to become a successful model and businesswoman in America. She returned home to steal the powerful Tantu Totem, a relic that gives its wearer the powers of the animal kingdom — thus becoming the Vixen. She is a member of the Justice League of America and can embody the abilities of any animal she can think of, making her a very deadly foe.

6. Starfire/Koriand’r

Starfire from DC Comics
Image via DC Comics

Princess Koriand’r was the heir to the throne of Tamaran, but was experimented on by her kingdom’s enemies before she could take the throne. The years of experimentation left her with supernatural powers, causing her to escape to Earth in search of freedom, eventually joining the Teen Titans. Now known by her superhero moniker, Starfire, she was able to find a new family of her own, consisting of her teammates. Starfire is a very powerful member of the team and can absorb energy and radiation into her body, channelling it out as destructive ‘starbolts.’ She also has super-enhanced senses and reflexes.

5. Raven/Rachel Roth

Raven from DC Comics
Image via DC Comics

As a half-demon, half-human, Raven spent many years battling her conflicting natures and trying to learn to control her powers. When she isn’t repressing herself, she is an incredibly powerful character and formidable opponent in any fight. She headed the battle of the Teen Titans against her father, the demon Lord Trigon, and emerged successful,. Her abilities include dark energy manipulation, transforming between powerful forms, psychokinesis, psychic manipulation, and magical powers.

4. Big Barda

Big Barda from DC Comics
Image via DC Comics

Big Barda is one of DC’s New Gods from Apokolips, but escaped the hellish realm to join her husband Mister Miracle on Earth. She has teamed up with the Justice League and Birds of Prey several times and is a fierce warrior in battle. Barda is immortal and extremely skilled in all forms of combat. She far outclasses all human warriors and most alien races, and possesses enhanced speed, reflexes, strength, and durability.

3. Supergirl/Kara-Zor-El

Supergirl from DC Comics
Image via DC Comics

Kara-Zor-El is more than just the Kryptonian cousin of Superman. Kara has had her own run of iconic comics, starting from when she was sent to earth from a dying Krypton by her father and her struggles with fitting in, as she didn’t take to the planet as easily as her cousin did. She has fought alongside teams like the Justice League and defeated villains like H’el singlehandedly. Kara possesses the superhuman abilities of the Kryptonians like super-strength and flight, as well as enhanced senses like laser and x-ray vision and heightened hearing. She is also a trained Kryptonian fighter in various martial arts forms.

2. Wonder Woman/Diana

Wonder Woman from DC Comics
Image via DC Comics

Diana of Themyscira is the daughter of the Amazonian Queen Hippolyta and the king of gods Zeus. Diana left her island home after years of training to fight against evil in the human world. She is the youngest and strongest Amazonian and was blessed by the gods when leaving Themyscira. Her powers include superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, healing, and stamina, alongside being an excellently trained fighter in both hand-to-hand combat and multiple weapons. Her weapons of choice include her lasso of truth and bracelets of submission. Very few can defeat Wonder Woman in the entire DC comic book universe.

1. Zatanna Zatara

Zatanna Zatara from DC Comics
Image via DC Comics

Commonly referred to by just her first name, Zatanna is a powerful magician and a member of the Homo Magi race. She is the daughter of Giovanni Zatara and a member of the Justice League and Justice League Dark. Her magical powers outclass even her father’s and she is often referred to as a Sorceress Supreme. She can cast spells backward to increase their effectiveness and can cast spells without speaking. Her powers also allow her to control weather elements, fly, teleport, and heal people at an accelerated rate. Zatanna is much more than all these though, as she has proven several times in the comic books that she needn’t even utter a word to cast a spell, often choosing to do so to discipline her mind. She can control the minds of others, fling them into other universes, and pretty much whatever it is she puts her mind to.