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11 Video Games Coming This Fall That You Don’t Want To Miss

It’s that time of the year again, when the trees are turning auburn, the leaves are starting to drop and the days are slowly but surely getting shorter. For most people, the end of summer is a picturesque but rather depressing inevitability, but as the rest of the world mopes about the onset of gloomy weather, gamers revel in the excuse to hunker down and enjoy some quality video games.

2) Final Fantasy XV

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Whether it’s genuine excitement or sheer morbid curiosity, we’re all looking forward to Final Fantasy XV’s impending release. That being said, there’s no denying it’s been a bit of nightmare for everyone involved. What was originally Final Fantasy Versus XIII directed by Tetsuya Nomura, has since morphed into Final Fantasy XV now headed by Hajime Tabata, with the entire project spanning nearly ten years in making.

Despite that tortured development, and aside from that horrendous E3 gameplay presentation, there’s plenty to be optimistic about from what we’ve seen so far; a massive open world, crisp visuals, stunning enemy variety, and an intriguing, if not a little wacky, narrative premise. The game has been delayed once again, but we won’t have to wait too much longer to see whether this is Final Fantasy’s return to form or ends up being a spectacular flop.