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10 Gaming Consoles You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

With Sony's Playstation 4 releasing later this week and Microsoft's Xbox One set for later in the month, I thought it might be worth a look back on some of the other gaming machines that have debuted over the years with similarly high hopes only to be completely glossed over, misunderstood or generally forgotten about.

Amstrad MEga PC | We Got This Covered

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And how about that Mega PC, eh? At a thousand pounds/four billion dollars on its 1993 release, it’s hard to credit that anyone who paid for one boasted the fundamentals of human decency. After considerable research (incorporating half-recalled episodes of Saved By The Bell and making stuff up), it emerges that computers in the early-to-mid 1990s were glorified calculators, also capable of rudimentary word processing aided by the abhorrence of ClipArt and an optional screensaver of three-dimensional pipes taking form from nothingness with the later ability to download a single sample of static pornography over a 13-hour period.

Those with money to burn and seats booked in the more disgustingly well-furnished corners of hell bought the privilege of playing their Mega Drive games on a PC monitor, ever confident that should the moment ever arrive when, smack bang in the middle of a go on Sonic The Hedgehog (as pictured) they needed to insert a picture of a leaping stick-figure priest under a garish heading written in Comic Sans MS, they’d be able to do so without ever leaving the multicolor madness of Aquatic Zone Act 2.

Anyway, it’s basically a computer and a Mega Drive. I like the white controller, but that’s it. Everything else about it makes my mind cry. A thousand pounds. Lordy.