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10 Gaming Consoles You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

With Sony's Playstation 4 releasing later this week and Microsoft's Xbox One set for later in the month, I thought it might be worth a look back on some of the other gaming machines that have debuted over the years with similarly high hopes only to be completely glossed over, misunderstood or generally forgotten about.

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Finally, the only game machine on this list that’s actually a television. Yes, the Sony KDL22PX300 is a television first and foremost, released only a few years ago, but with a PS2 built in. Not a PS3, no, but a console that was in fact at the time of this hardware’s release a generation old. Also, it only runs in 720p, which for a TV with the capabilities of running videogames is pretty, pretty, pretty poor. And it’s fugly. What I don’t get about it is literally every part of its design and functionality. Still, at least it doesn’t run on Windows…

Had I more energy I’d continue on this journey into absolute brain-numbing hardware development but the hour is late and I’ve meters to go before I sleep and promises (that I’d get some sleep) to keep. I’m sure Sony’s PS4 and Microsoft’s Xbox One are likely to do a little better than most of the above, but it’s due in some small part to the above machines’ influence that you’re even able to browse the Internet, watch TV and play Sonic 2 on a game machine these days at all, so spare them a thought as you get stuck in and please, if you have any classic console memories to share, do so below.