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10 Horror Characters Who Should Join Mortal Kombat X’s Next DLC Pack

6) Michael Myers

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Haddonfield’s heaviest hitter is another no-doubt pick, and Ed Boone admitted that Michael’s name has already been tossed around behind the scenes, but this wouldn’t be a respectable list without the silent stalker’s addition.

His mask is a representation of fear, and where Ghostface is more easily defeated, Michael never stays down. With his gigantic knife, he’d be a formidable foe who once again would be fighting much like how Jason’s brutish body permits. He’d be slow, deal heavy damage on hits, and would have no reason to speak after destroying opponents with ease.


There’d be nothing unexpected with his combos. I’d figure his X-Ray move would include some sort of knife to the skull, or a stab right to the gut. He’s a traditional slasher, so his moves wouldn’t stray much from stabbing, slicing, and kicking some close-range ass. Maybe he could get a creative fatality, where his victim hides in a nearby closet, only for Michael to throw the door open and go to work.

There’d be minimal creativity with Michael’s inclusion, but his renown status would be a must-buy for most horror fans who play Mortal Kombat X. Why alter the classics, though. Right?