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10 Unannounced Games We Want To See At E3 2015

This is it: after sifting through streams of rumors and speculation, we're now within touching distance of E3 2015. Beginning on Sunday, June 14 with Bethesda's inaugural presser, the biggest names in gaming will descend on the Los Angeles Convention Center throughout the course of next week, and us here at We Got This Covered couldn't be more excited.

5) Metroid Wii U/NX

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We sympathize with fans of lesser-appreciated Nintendo franchises; F-Zero, Earthbound, and Golden Sun are a few notable series without any recent installments, and lately it seems as if Metroid may join their ranks. Despite her representation in the newest Super Smash Brothers games, Nintendo remains tight-lipped on when will be able to next play as Samus Aran in her parent series.

The last Metroid game to release was Metroid: Other M in 2010, which received lukewarm reception from critics and fans alike. The Metroid Prime trilogy preceded Other M and saved the franchise from being left behind, but developer Retro Studios has since focused their efforts on revitalizing the Donkey Kong series. Team Ninja and Nintendo worked together on Other M, but their efforts failed as they attempted to combine elements from the traditional 2D Metroid games and the first-person, open-world design of Metroid Prime.

Nintendo could approach the next Metroid in two ways: return to the 2D side-scrolling found in games such as Super Metroid or attempt to replicate Retro Studios’ success with Metroid Prime. Given that fans hold a special reverence for Metroid, we think going big and bold for a Wii U outing would be Nintendo’s best move.

The 2D Metroid titles were great, but another first-person, open-world Metroid could give the series a much-needed revival. Open-world games are more popular than than ever, and Nintendo could satiate the desires to both explore a massive world and fight against cleverly-designed enemies. Let’s keep the 2D morph ball sections, though.