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5 Things We Learned From Our Hands-On Time With NHL 18

EA Canada’s NHL franchise might not attract as much attention compared to other sports games on the market, as doesn’t get the widespread recognition of a Madden or NBA 2K, nor does it stir up the international fanfare that the FIFA franchise does. However, much like its real life counterpart, the NHL franchise has a tight knit and dedicated fan base who've come to expect a certain level of quality from their sports title of choice.

Lack Of A Story Mode

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The biggest gripe I think that will come from this year’s NHL game is the lack of a definitive, scripted story mode, that more and more of its genre counterparts are adopting. FIFA’s “The Journey,” NBA’s “MyCareer” and this year’s Madden “Longshots” story mode are showing that a concrete story or career mode is something that players not only want, but expect from a sports franchise in 2017.

Whether it’s Miracle or The Mighty Ducks, history has shown that hockey’s a great vector to tell an inspiring story, which only reminds us that the lack of one in NHL 18 is, to say the least a bit, disappointing

While other modes, namely Ultimate Team, might be where EA draws a large chuck of its revenue from in its sports franchises, a single player experience is still core to any major sports title and the absence of one in NHL 18 illustrates an area where the game is lagging behind the competition.