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5 Potential Gaming Sequels That Keep Us Up At Night

It's nearly June, which means that E3 2014 is almost upon us. As such, with butterflies in our stomachs and anticipation mounting, we're doing our best to help time fly, by speculating about the games that will potentially be unveiled once the convention's curtains open on the 9th. This has, of course, led us to thinking about the games we dream about at night when we can't sleep, and has culminated in this very list.

5) Vanquish 2

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I’ll be honest and admit that I never expected to like Vanquish, as there’s just something about mech games that tends to turn me off. Thankfully, a lack of anything to play led me to give it a chance, and allowed me to experience one of last generation’s lesser-known gems.

Vanquish is a fast-paced, balls-to-the-wall shooter that doesn’t take any prisoners. It’s also ferociously entertaining and incredibly visceral, which makes it a perfect candidate for a next-gen follow-up. Here’s hoping Platinum Games feels the same way, and that a sequel is in the works, because we know that we’re not the only ones who want one.

If Vanquish 2 were to be made, it wouldn’t need to be drastically different from its predecessor in order to please us. Hell, I’d sign up to play more of the same, because the first go around was simply so much fun. The most important thing would be advertising and getting the word out there, in order to prevent the project from slipping through the cracks like so many other good games have over the years, including its predecessor, which not nearly enough people supported.