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5 Potential Gaming Sequels That Keep Us Up At Night

It's nearly June, which means that E3 2014 is almost upon us. As such, with butterflies in our stomachs and anticipation mounting, we're doing our best to help time fly, by speculating about the games that will potentially be unveiled once the convention's curtains open on the 9th. This has, of course, led us to thinking about the games we dream about at night when we can't sleep, and has culminated in this very list.

2) Some Sort of Bully Sequel

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Continuing with the Rockstar Games motif, another one of the company’s games that is in dire need of a sequel is Bully. Quite a few years have passed since the game first blew us away on PlayStation 2, before being ported to both the Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360, and we’ve yet to hear concrete details pertaining to a sequel. It’s a real shame, too.

Although it exists as Grand Theft Auto‘s less mature little brother, Bully is more than deserving of a follow-up, as it offers us something different to play within a relatively crowded genre. Prior to its release, we’d never seen anything like it, and the opportunity to play as a troubled boarding school student was too unique to pass up. Years later, it’s yet to be mimicked, and we’re left wanting.

Bully 2 doesn’t need to be set at the same school, or even feature the same main character. In fact, it’d be better if it didn’t. Jimmy had his time in the spotlight, and it was a glorious occasion, but Rockstar should stay true to the formula it’s created with GTA and create an all-new storyline and give us a different troubled child to explore it with. That way, time and age constraints wouldn’t apply, and we wouldn’t need to move on with Jimmy to early adult life.

Please, Rockstar: Bring Bully back!