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5 Potential Gaming Sequels That Keep Us Up At Night

It's nearly June, which means that E3 2014 is almost upon us. As such, with butterflies in our stomachs and anticipation mounting, we're doing our best to help time fly, by speculating about the games that will potentially be unveiled once the convention's curtains open on the 9th. This has, of course, led us to thinking about the games we dream about at night when we can't sleep, and has culminated in this very list.

1) Fallout 4

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Rumours have been circulating around a possible sequel to the masterpiece that is Fallout 3 and its follow-up, Fallout: New Vegas; however, no concrete information has surfaced. As such, all we can do is hope and dream that Bethesda is hard at work on another post-apocalyptic RPG bearing the series’ iconic name, look, and incredibly helpful V.A.T.S. mechanic.

Our hope is that Fallout‘s next instalment will take its series to new heights, through the use of a more state-of-the-art engine. That way, its developers would be able to employ improved artificial intelligence and add even more life to a series that thrives on immersion. Going further, it’d also be great if they could come up with an exciting and different location for us to spend upwards of one hundred hours exploring. New Vegas was thoroughly unique, but it’s had its time, whereas Washington D.C. was interesting but sterile, and in need of a bit more personality.

If Fallout 4 is indeed revealed this year, it has the potential to be E3 2014’s most talked-about surprise. That’s a bold claim, of course, but it’s true given how wildly popular the series has become.

So, there you have it, folks; the five unconfirmed, unannounced and purely speculative video game sequels that keep us up at night. If we could play them now, we’d be glued to our TVs and staying up late for an entirely different reason, but they’re still just thoughts and pipe dreams that lay within our heads.

Do you agree with our picks? Have something you’d like to add or contest? Feel free to let us know via our comments section.