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5 Reasons You Should Go Play The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD Right Now

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD has landed, and it comes just as its host system the Wii U is starting to heat up and look halfway compelling. If you don’t know the controversy surrounding Wind Waker’s original release, there are a dozen places to read about it online or elsewhere. All I can say is that if you loved the old game, the HD revamp is a gorgeous love letter crafted just for you. If you never played, didn’t want to play, or were too embarrassed to play the old game, well, this is your second chance. Don’t let it pass you by!

It’s the best game on Wii U

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The both exciting and sad part about all this is that despite all the games finally coming to Wii U this Fall, the ten-year-old Wind Waker by and large trumps every last one of them. Pikmin 3 could be your best depending on taste, but most folks will probably find it hard not to single out twelve-year-old Link.

Though an all new Wii U Zelda game is in the works, and will no-doubt be magnificent, we have no idea when it’s coming. Though Nintendo is bringing games like Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and Super Mario 3D World this holiday, those may not be what the seasoned, hungry Zelda player is looking for. Nor the recent Wii U-convert, for that matter. In fact, despite its age, Wind Waker delivers in ways that even other Zeldas have failed to in recent times. It’s the most open-world Zelda by far. It’s combat is still rock-solid after all this time. You can play it in a surprisingly enjoyable first person mode. It’s practically Skyrim! Not at all, actually, but Wind Waker is truly epic in its own amiable, unique way.

The fact is, if you’re getting a Wii U any time soon, then you should be getting The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD immediately thereafter. It’s odd to think of a ten-year-old cartoon in motion as a system seller, but that’s exactly what’s happened.

The Wii U has great games coming, but until we hear about the next Zelda or some kind of surprise Metroid game (likely a far-off occurrence), Wind Waker is going to be the best experience for both Nintendo fans and new-experience seeking Wii U buyers alike.

And if you’ve never played Wind Waker before? In that case, you’re in for a real gaming delight. I for one couldn’t be happier to return to the Great Sea.