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6 Video Games Coming In 2015 That We’re Already Drooling Over


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Before I start talking about all the awesome video games “coming out” in 2015 that we are all looking forward to, I need to mention one thing. And that’s that though all the games I mention here may be SLATED for 2015, we all know that sometimes games get pushed back and delayed, and then pushed back some more, and then delayed some more. So, while in theory, all the games on this list are set to drop next year, I think that most avid gamers know that doesn’t really mean anything in the grand scheme of things. I am still eagerly awaiting Starcraft: Ghost for Christ’s sake, so let’s just factor that in before I say anything else.

Next up, we also know that a lot can happen in development that can change a game from the first time we see it. So while I may be speaking of a few of these games with a certain sense of how they MAY play out, please be aware that much can change by the time they reach the actual shelves. Quite a few of the games on this list are ambitious, and that can often mean many changes by the time a game reaches us, so keep that in mind.

Those factors out of the way, 2015 looks to be an amazing year for gaming. From classic hack n’ slash titles to games that hearken back (visually) to the those that many of us played in our youths, next year looks ready to heap on the nostalgic charm while still keeping things fresh and original.

So, without any further ado, here are the 6 video games slated for 2015 that we are eagerly anticipating (with quite a few honorable mentions tagged on).