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6 Video Games Coming In 2015 That We’re Already Drooling Over

Mighty No. 9

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Hey, how about a Kickstarter funded game by the original creator of Mega Man that openly emulates and advances on the awesome and challenging tone set in that aforementioned series? Sound fucking awesome? Well, that’s Mighty No. 9, a classic side scroller that actually used Kickstarter not just to get funding, but to talk to fans of the original series and see what they wanted and how to make sure they got the perfect game. The end result looks like an insanely beautiful side scrolling action platformer that will probably be blisteringly difficult, but also incredibly worthwhile.

In other words, it’s the next gen Mega Man we always dreamed of. Just look at the screenshot above, it’s perfection. You could print that out and hang it up and it would look like some twisted, modern, pop art. Now just imagine a whole game like that. Awesome, right? Add in some chip tunes to really make it a throwback and you have a true knockout.