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6 Iconic Locations We’d Love To Visit In Star Wars Battlefront II

As with any revered, absurdly popular multimedia franchise, any addition to its universe, official or otherwise, is inevitably going to be met with a certain level of criticism. It is, after all, impossible to please absolutely everyone, but in the case of Star Wars, any third party that attempts to put its own spin on George Lucas' sci-fi epic has multiple generations of fans to satisfy - an already difficult task only compounded by the additional pressure of living up to the Battlefront name.

6) Dagobah

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You’re damn right we want to visit a monster infested swamp planet.

Sure, Yoda’s home world, following his self-imposed exile, may seem like the last place anyone would want to take a day trip to, but its primitive ecosystem is exactly why it should be included in Battlefront II. Unlike the endless stretch of Metropolitan society that suffocates Coruscant’s surface or the scummy world of organized crime led by the Hutt family that pervades all life on Tatooine, Dagobah is but a simple celestial body that’s gone entirely unnoticed by the wider galaxy.

As for how exactly DICE can justify a visit to the backwater planet as part of Battlefront II‘s campaign mode, I honestly don’t know, but it could quite easily find a place in the shooter’s multiplayer component. If Endor’s inclusion in the original game taught me anything, it’s that the developer knows exactly how to make the series’ more basic environments extremely fun to explore. The Ewoks’ home is, after all, despite its plot importance, nothing more than a gigantic forest peppered with pop-up Imperial bases, so there’s no reason why the stagnant swamps and rotting woods of Dagobah can’t work just as well.

In fact, given its unpredictable terrain and diverse range of native fauna, the planet could be the perfect opportunity to try something new. One of my own personal bugbears of Battlefront was the generally static nature of its maps. Imagine having to contend with dynamic threats in the form of bottomless bogs and swarms of bogwings, as well as the player-controlled enemy team?

Sounds good to me.