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6 Video Game Moments That Make You Feel Like A True Badass

A big allure of gaming is the idea of escaping just how mundane and repetitive life can be. We long to step outside of that and experience a life more exciting and visceral than our own. Video games give us that. They put us in the space armor or give us massive guns and armies of bad guys to slaughter with them. The reality is, video games make you feel kind of badass, and that's awesome.

1) Ripping Off Helios’ Head – God Of War III

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I was really stuck on this one. God of War is a series that is filled with moments that make you feel badass. Hell, every second you play as Kratos, you feel badass. I almost went with the intro segment of God of War III, as that is about as badass as a game opening can get. But then I decided that when I got to tear off Helios’ head and use it as a fucking lamp, well, that pretty much took the cake.

It may not have had the scale of some of the other boss fights (like the titan), but the gore and intensity of the above moment almost went into horror movie territory. While smashing a guy’s face into a rock or ripping someone in half is brutal, slowly tearing someone’s head off while they are alive and screaming might be sick and psychotic. Still, I have to admit and accept the fact that it made me feel badass.

And that, my friends, is exactly what we need video games to make us feel sometimes. I may be a mere mortal in my real life, but as these video game moments prove, I can escape into badassery anytime I need to. And you can, too.