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9 Incredibly Expensive Video Games That Didn’t Turn Out Very Well

Making a game is really expensive. I mean, like really expensive. Way more expensive than making a cake, or a wardrobe. Games are a lot more fun and interesting though, so it's all relative - right? I mean, what video game would be less fun than looking at a wardrobe? Especially when the cash thrown at it is so immense.

1) Disney Infinity – 2013

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Estimated cost: $100,000,000

Disney Infinity opens like a multi-million dollar game. It’s really quite beautiful to behold, and captures that “magic” of Disney perfectly. I mean, if you’re into that kind of thing. It’s not long before it peters out though, and you’re left with nothing but an interactive pat on the back for the people that made the original films.

What do you do then? Well, you inhabit various characters from teeth-shatteringly cute Disney/Pixar films, and just go around admiring all the references to the films. That really is it – and I, for one, can’t get enough! I hope they monetize it by releasing DLC packs for future film releases!

In some respects it’s utterly baffling to see how this game cost $100 million dollars (!), because it’s just some run-of-the-mill platformer, no different to Spyro The Dragon or some other fluffy kids dross. Maybe developer Avalance Software had to buy the characters from Pixar individually, for like $5 million each. And if you’re sitting there thinking “Pixar?? How could they create something that’s terrible? They’re geniuses!”, then all I have to say to you in return is Cars 2.